Life Saving Diagnostics Can be Used as Part of Your Pain Care Plan

Life Saving Diagnostics Can be Used as Part of Your Pain Care Plan
Reduce Risks for Heart Attack, Stroke & Related Neurological Conditions
Here at Arrowhead Physical Medicine, we not only provide an effective pain care treatment plan, but we also understand the relationships between pain and other life threatening or life impairing disease conditions. Nothing replaces early detection, followed by proper treatment and appropriate case management.
We use objective diagnostic methods to help evaluate best treatment options & sequences including the maximum benefits for each medication we dispense as well as every therapy we might prescribe. This includes early detection of potential serious side effects. We want to use the most comfortable diagnostic methods for patients; diagnostics that are the least invasive, provide the most patient comfort, and actionable information.
Personal Care Combined with 21st Century Medicine Philosophy
Patients who come to our offices are cared for by our entire staff and our armamentarium of diagnostic tools and treatments. We pride ourselves in using the most advanced medical processes no matter what your immediate concern might be. More often than not, a chief complaint might be related to a life threatening or health impairing disease condition not yet identified or quantified.
If you have already suffered from a previous debilitating health impairing event or an ongoing chronic disease process, we want to objectively grade your condition and track and monitor it along with other treatment that we may render.
In conjunction with a proper evaluation and full understanding of your case, symptoms and history, the need for specific diagnostics may be prescribed. Many of these possible diagnostics can be performed right in our offices in a comfortable setting without long scheduling or waiting periods. Test results from such diagnostics performed in our offices might save and or preserve your quality of life.
Examples of Diagnostic Tests in Our Offices
It is important to note that we only use well researched tests that are often covered by your insurance. We would only ask you to take a test that was not covered by insurance if we felt it could result in saving your life or quality of life.
For example, some of our tests that we regularly rely on are typically covered by and other private payer policies. These tests are both general and specific and include testing for related conditions for neuro-vascular reflex response and health assessment evaluation. Some of the tests are ordered as part of a series depending on the findings during each patient's initial or progress exam. The doctor has been trained to interpret the test results which are often interrelated.
Other tests we use are stand alone. In all cases, our goal is to treat your chief complaint while using all of our skills, experience and objective tools we have available. The goal is to improve your health conditions and potentially identify other concerns in need of prompt attention that may or may not be related.
Understanding Patient Goals: Pain Reduction/Elimination, Longevity, Quality of Life
Although every patient is of paramount importance to us, patients with a prior history (family or personal) of heart disease, are overweight, have diabetes, a current or prior history of smoking, have pain concerns of uncertain origins, have high blood pressure and or high cholesterol, suffer from chronic headaches--such patients often need additional testing to rule out or in overlapping conditions potentially causing or related to their chief complaints and current health status.
We have found that our unique and comprehensive approach has resulted in reducing unexpected and unnecessary visits to the Emergency Room for stroke, heart attacks and other possible disorders. Your good health and avoidance of complications or other preventable disease processes at (Timbuctoo Pain) is our top priority.
Our office understands that no one really wants to go to their doctor's office. However, if as a result of doing so, we are able to improve your condition and reduce your risks for complications including stroke and heart attack incidence, you would be happy that you took the time to schedule an appointment.
Let us help you regain the best possible health expression. It is a known fact that in the last decade, the medical profession has undergone significant changes and ones where we can reduce health incidents by using advanced diagnostics while at the same time, improving quality of life, adding to longevity, and reducing societal related costs for healthcare as a byproduct. We look forward to serving you.
Click here to view more on the VSAT Test.